Our Top 8 Indoor Plants And How To Care For Them

Our Top 8 Indoor Plants And How To Care For Them

If you’re looking for easy ways to add some beauty in your home that will not only make it more beautiful, but also reduce stress and filter your air, then we HIGHLY recommend you come to Garden Valley Farmers Market and pick out some of the many indoor plants that we carry. Not only do they provide a warm, personal touch to your home’s decor, but they also remove toxins in the air and release fresh oxygen for you to breathe and enjoy.

How To Care For Verbena And Keep It Thriving

How To Care For Verbena And Keep It Thriving

If you’re looking for an easy, annual flowering plant that’s not fussy, drought tolerant, and attracts butterflies, Verbena is a great choice for you! With a variety of vibrant colors and soft leaves, these flowers are the perfect addition to any of your baskets, window boxes, or gardens.

How To Naturally Prevent Weeds

How To Naturally Prevent Weeds

Weed prevention is one of the tasks of gardening that not only is time consuming, but is probably the most annoying. And sure, we could use chemical filled herbicides, but we don’t recommend it and here’s why: herbicides not only wash away and pollute our water, but they also kill important pollinators. Check this post out on why pollinators are important and how you can attract them to your garden.

5 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

5 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

Picture this: you’re outside, enjoying the sunset, and enjoying the cooler weather that the day has FINALLY brought. You’re sipping on your southern, NC sweet tea, talking with your friends, and watching the grill master cook up some perfect sirloin steaks. But suddenly, you start to feel something itch on your arms, and then your legs. You look down, and there’s what seems to be a thousand little flying, annoying insects circling you like they’re about to feast on you. Mosquitoes. And just when you’re about to “call it a night” and go inside, you remember this blog post that gave you some tips and tricks to get rid of those mosquitoes.