How to Care for Million Bells
Million bells (Calibrachoa) are so amazing because they form excellent colorful ornaments for gardens, wonderful bedding plants and gorgeous hanging baskets. And because their long stems spill and cascade so beautifully over their containers, they make great additions in any pot, mixed container, or window box.
How to Care for Million Bells
Million bells (Calibrachoa) are so amazing because they form excellent colorful ornaments for gardens, wonderful bedding plants and gorgeous hanging baskets. And because their long stems spill and cascade so beautifully over their containers, they make great additions in any pot, mixed container, or window box.
What’s the difference between a Million Bell and a Petunia you ask? Well, the Million Bell’s blooms are smaller than the Petunia’s, and they do not require as much fertilizer to keep them vibrant and thriving all spring and summer long. They also LOVE those North Carolina hot and humid summers, so we highly recommend these if you’re wanting a flowering plant.
Care Requirements For MILLION BELLS
LIGHT - Full Sun – Million Bells are considered to be full sun plants. They can do best when placed in direct sun for at minimum of 6 hours daily. If plants do not get enough light they may look tired and blooming will decrease and the plants will begin to stretch. This is an indication that the plant needs to be moved in a location where it gets at least 4-6 hours of direct and filtered sun in a day.
FERTILIZER - Regular Liquid Fertilizer – Lighting is important to a bright, eye-popping, color display Calibrachoa provides. But fertilizer is also very important. Heavy blooming the entire summer means heavy demands on plant nutrition. To keep plants strong, fertilize every other week with a liquid fertilizer. Fertilization is the key for blooming your calibrachoa throughout the season well.
SOIL – Well Draining - Most in-ground gardening soils do not have the best drainage. This is why Million Bells are normally found growing in containers. Plant them in a well draining container with good quality potting soil and you will be just fine!
WATER – Soak but Let Soil Dry - Million Bells needs generous amount of water for “soaking” the roots. However, the soil needs to be given time for drying out until the next watering cycle. When watering, water the soil thoroughly and allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry before watering again. Soggy soil lead to plants rotting.
PRUNING - Regular Trimming - When plants start looking tired or non-vibrant, it signals for trimming. Trim your Million Bell from the bottom up (1-4 inches) in mid-summer time. Trimming stimulates root growth, which allow more blooms to produce and will pick up in about a week or two. You do not need to dead head Million Bells either, as they are a self-cleaning plant. Blooms will automatically drop and be replaced with another gorgeously vibrant bloom.
Hopefully these tips will help keep your Million Bells look stunning all season long! And we hope that they also help keep you planting better, eating better, and living better.
We would love to see how you place your Million Bells at your home! Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok! We can’t wait to see! @gardenvalleyfarmersmarket
3 Ways to Protect Your Plants from Frost
The beautiful season of spring is finally here for us in central North Carolina, but unfortunately, we do have an occasional frost that could cause devastation to our vegetable plants and delicate flowers. But don’t worry, Garden Valley has got you covered with 3 ways you can protect your plants from a cold frost:
The beautiful season of spring is finally here for us in central North Carolina, but unfortunately, we do have an occasional frost that could cause devastation to our vegetable plants and delicate flowers. But don’t worry, Garden Valley has got you covered with 3 ways you can protect your plants from a cold frost:
A little information first- A frost would be considered to happen between 28 and 32 degrees F. And as a general rule, most plants (tomatoes, annual flowers, watermelon, etc) will need to be covered unless they are cold tolerant, especially if they are starting to bloom.
3 ways to protect plants from frost
1. Cover with a breathable fabric.
Covering your plants with a breathable cloth like material will allow moisture to escape and not suffocate your plant like a plastic material would. You could use blankets, bed sheets, and even pillow cases for those small plants.
HOW? Just place a tall stake or stick throughout the area and cover. This will help keep the plant in tact and allows for room between the material and the plant. After all, we don’t want to crush our plants in the process, do we?
2. Cover with mulch/straw/leaves
Covering the soil around your plants with a mulch-like substance will help to regulate the swinging temperatures of the soil and keep prevent “shocking” your root system from the bitter cold. At least 3” of mulch, straw, or leaves should suffice.
3. Cover seedlings/small plants with a glass or cloche
Covering your smaller plants with a glass like material will help to keep the heat in but also allow for the sun to shine through.
HOW? Just cover your plant right before the sun goes down, and then uncover them when the temperature finally raises above freezing.
Hopefully these tips will help you and your plants make it through the next few weeks before the temperatures stay above freezing. And we hope that they also help keep you planting better, eating better, and living better.
We would love to see how you keep your plants safe during the frost! Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok! We can’t wait to see! @gardenvalleyfarmersmarket
How To Care For Pansies
If you’re needing a show-stopping flower that will give your dull looking landscape some color, then you need some gorgeous Pansies. Not only are they easy to care for, but they will brighten up your landscaping view and leave you with beautiful, colorful blooms lasting for Autumn, Winter, and even into Spring!
If you’re needing a show-stopping flower that will give your dull looking landscape some color, then you need some gorgeous Pansies. Not only are they easy to care for, but they will brighten up your landscaping view and leave you with beautiful, colorful blooms lasting for Autumn, Winter, and even into Spring!
Did you know…
that pansies are edible? That’s right! You can eat them in salads (or whatever you desire). To add some beautiful color and a slightly minty flavor to your next recipe, chop them up and make it unique and full of taste.
Pansies are beautiful heart-shaped flowers that can add color to your garden beds, ground cover, or beautiful pots. Follow these easy instructions below to keep them thriving all season long:
Plant in full or partial sun and your pansies will thrive.
When and How
Pansies do not like heat, so plant when the temperatures start to cool down. If local to North Carolina, we recommend planting your pansies in the Fall so that you can enjoy them all Autumn, Winter, and Spring! (If planting in beds, place them 7-12 inches apart to allow for room to spread)
Plant in moist, well draining soil.
Water only a few times a week because too much can drown them and cause root rot.
Remove any dead blooms and cut them back regularly before they become “leggy”. This helps to keep them healthy and full of vibrant blooms.
have you ever grown pansies? If not, will you get some this year? We have plenty to choose from at all of our locations. Let us know in the comments below. You can also share your Pansy pride with us by tagging us on Facebook or Instagram. We can’t wait to see!
#gardenvalleyfarmersmarket @gardenvalleyfarmersmarket
Thank you so much for joining us here. For more information on what Garden Valley Farmers Market is about, you can visit us here. If you’re wanting to visit with us, come by any of our five North Carolina locations. If you’re wanting to follow along with us, you can do so either on our Facebook, Youtube, or our Instagram. If you’re wanting to earn rewards and be easily connected with us, download our new App. And if you’re wanting to check out our other recipes and blog posts, or are needing more inspiration, follow us on our Pinterest. We’d love to have you join us in our journey of planting better, eating better, and living better.
Much love,
Your Garden Valley Farmers Market Team
5 Reasons to Support Local
Whether you're wanting to add some color to the pots on your front porch steps, or wanting to plant those juicy tomatoes in your garden, there are many places you could buy these plants. But where is the best place to go? Sure, you could turn to your mass merchant store, but maybe this time, think more locally. If you have a local garden center, like Garden Valley Market, often times they offer a very wide variety of amazing plants/produce.
So, without further ado, here are five reasons why we think you should support your local garden center:
Whether you're wanting to add some color to the pots on your front porch steps, or wanting to plant those juicy tomatoes in your garden, there are many places you could buy these plants. But where is the best place to go? Sure, you could turn to your mass merchant store, but maybe this time, think more locally. If you have a local garden center, like Garden Valley Farmers Market, often times they offer a very wide variety of amazing plants/produce. So, without further ado, here are five reasons why we think you should support your local garden center:
1. Knowledge
Local garden centers, like Garden Valley Farmers Market, have a passion for all things gardening. Whether that's with the choices/varieties of colorful petunias that are hand picked by our owners, the fresh zucchini we just got in stock from our local farmers, or the tropical Hibiscus that's just perfect for North Carolina summer heat, knowing and learning what each plant’s needs are is very important to places like ours. Local garden centers tend to stay up to date on local weather and the specific climate zone they are located, which helps give you the accurate information that sets you up for a successful year. We can help you in deciding which flowers, shrubs, and vegetables to plant that will not only bloom, but thrive here in central North Carolina.
2. Quality
Quality is most important to us, and here’s why:
You get what you pay for. Local garden centers like Garden Valley invest in quality products, materials and supplies, which can sometimes be a bit more expensive for you, the consumer. But the phrase, "you get what you pay for", could not hold truer for us. There is much time and investment given to the plants and produce, including regular fertilizing of the plants and a constant pruning/dead-heading of the flowers in order to keep the plants healthy and at their prime.
Unique Selection. Local garden centers can also provide unique materials that would not normally be found at a mass merchant store. These items are hand picked by our owners in hopes that you will enjoy them just as much as they do.
Hint: It’s Not Consignment. Did you know that most local garden centers actually own the materials on the lot. It's bought and paid for, not purchased on consignment where it can be sent back if it doesn’t sell like in a lot of other bigger retail companies.
We want you, our neighbors, to succeed. Remembering that your success equals our success, is what makes the quality of the plants much higher at a local garden center. And it’s what makes our relationship with our community that much more important.
3. Customer Service
Shopping at local garden centers, like Garden Valley Market, can also mean that more personal attention is paid to the customer. Personal relationships are made and "regulars" become part of our gardening family. Locals can often provide the best tips and tricks as well, allowing us to learn more and share with our local customers. And we, at Garden Valley, LOVE the relationship and trust that is built between you and us.
4. Local Economy
Supporting local also means supporting your local economy. It's choosing to allow your funds to stay in your local community. And when you're purchasing your plants and produce from your local farmers market, you're purchasing and supporting your local farmers and growers in North Carolina too. We can't think of a better way to support your neighbors, friends and family.
5. Unique Community
One of the best parts of supporting local is something that you, the customer and consumer, can really enjoy. You get to keep a one-of-a-kind business, well, in business. And in return, you can experience the unique character that it brings to your local community. This can also increase your community’s tourist attraction, which means more money for your local economy. And, it's just plain FUN to go and get lost in the plants, get to know your gardeners, and enjoy the unique community that it brings to your life, and those around you.
Thank you so much for joining us here. For more information on what Garden Valley Farmers Market is about, you can visit us here. We also offer free online produce ordering and pickup for NC locals! If you’re wanting to visit with us, come by any of our five North Carolina locations. If you’re wanting to follow along with us, you can do so either on our Facebook, Youtube, or our Instagram. And if you’re wanting to check out our other recipes and blog posts, or are needing more inspiration, follow us on our Pinterest.
We’d love to have you join us in our journey of
planting better,
eating better, and
living better.
Love, Garden Valley Farmers Market