Growing Gigantic Monstera Deliciosa
If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly houseplant that’s large and in charge, then we recommend the Monstera Deliciosa. This gorgeous plant has beautiful green foliage, uniquely shaped leaves, is easy to propagate, and will leave you wanting one in every room of your house. Here’s how to take care of them and keep them happy for many years to come:
If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly house plant that’s large and in charge, then we recommend the Monstera Deliciosa. This gorgeous plant has beautiful green foliage, uniquely shaped leaves, is easy to propagate, and will leave you wanting one in every room of your house. Here’s how to take care of them and keep them happy for many years to come:
Place your Monstera in a spot where it can receive bright to medium indirect light. If they get too much direct sunlight, this can cause the leaves to burn. But the opposite condition, too little light, will eventually cause the leaves/plant to droop and die off. Let’s keep them happy by placing them near a window that may receive a few minutes of direct sunlight, but mostly will be exposed to indirect sun.
To note- Monstera do like humid conditions, so if you have a bathroom with plenty of space and a window, this a great location to place them. Also, we would be very jealous if you did.
Monstera Deliciosa are basic and okay with good ole’ indoor potting soil. Nothing special. To encourage a faster growth rate, you can repot them every spring into another pot that’s an inch or two larger in diameter. This gives them ample space that will encourage new root growth, which means you will get a plant that will become bigger and healthier.
Watering your Monstera is not super tricky. A weekly watering should do the trick for them. If you notice that the top layer of soil is still wet, maybe hold off on watering for a day or two and then proceed as normal.
And as we mentioned before, they do like humid conditions, so if you have a humidifier and don’t know where to place it during the winter months, then we recommend placing near your giant Monstera.
…using stem cuttings, which is the most common method.
1. Find an aerial root on your stem that has a node and, ideally, two healthy leaves.
2. Cut 1/2 inch below the aerial root with sharp scissors at a 45 degree angle.
3. Place cutting into a jar of your choice that’s filled with enough water to cover about 1/4 of the entire stem. (Be sure that your jar is able to keep your stem in an upright position)
4. Change out the water every 2 weeks, and be sure that the cutting is placed in INDIRECT sun.
5. You should begin to see roots growing in about three weeks, but we recommend waiting about one to two months before transplanting into soil. For the first month of them being planted in new soil, make sure to water it every few days to encourage root attachment.
do you have a Monstera Deliciosa? If not, will you get one? We have plenty to choose from at a few of our locations. Let us know in the comments below. You can also share your Monstera moments with us by using #gardenvalleyfarmersmarket on Facebook or Instagram. We can’t wait to see!
Thank you so much for joining us here. For more information on what Garden Valley Farmers Market is about, you can visit us here. If you’re wanting to visit with us, come by any of our five North Carolina locations. If you’re wanting to follow along with us, you can do so either on our Facebook, Youtube, or our Instagram. If you’re wanting to earn rewards and be easily connected with us, download our new App. And if you’re wanting to check out our other recipes and blog posts, or are needing more inspiration, follow us on our Pinterest. We’d love to have you join us in our journey of planting better, eating better, and living better.
Much love,
Your Garden Valley Farmers Market Team
How To Care For Chinese Money Plant
The Chinese Money Plant has become a favorite on everyone’s wish list for houseplants, and there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation: they are just THAT amazing. These plants make a perfect window display, are fast growing, and are easy to propagate and gift to your friend. They have beautiful coin-shaped leaves and are very easy to take care of, so let’s dive in.
The Chinese Money Plant has become a favorite on everyone’s wish list for houseplants, and there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation: they are just THAT amazing. These plants make a perfect window display, are fast growing, and are easy to propagate and gift to your friend. They have beautiful coin-shaped leaves and are very easy to take care of, so let’s dive in.
The Pilea Peperomioides originated from the Yunnan province of China; they were cut by a missionary family and brought home to their family and friends, hence why they also have the nickname “missionary plant.”
These plants really enjoy being by a window that receives a lot of indirect sunlight. They are also fast growers, so you might find that you will need to rotate your plants at least once a week. Like many plants, they grow towards the sun, so rotating them will help to even out the growth.
(Tip- you may want to dust your plant’s leaves from time to time. This helps with maximum absorption of sunlight by the leaves.)
The Chinese Money Plant does well in an indoor potting soil mix, with a pot that has a drainage hole.
Depending on your conditions, you may need to water weekly, making sure that the soil dries between waterings. A sure sign that your plant needs more water is a drooping of the leaves.
Lightly pull the “baby” pilea that is growing around your “mother” pilea. Plant in moist soil, and keep the soil moist to encourage root attachment. Once it is established, continue care as mentioned above.
Thank you so much for joining us here. For more information on what Garden Valley Farmers Market is about, you can visit us here. If you’re wanting to visit with us, come by any of our five North Carolina locations. If you’re wanting to follow along with us, you can do so either on our Facebook or our Instagram. And if you’re wanting to check out our other recipes and blog posts, or are needing more inspiration, follow us on our Pinterest. We’d love to have you join us in our journey of planting better, eating better, and living better.
Much love,
Your Garden Valley Farmers Market Team