farmers market

The Best Guacamole You've Ever Tasted

The Best Guacamole You've Ever Tasted

Grab a bag of salty tortilla chips, and let’s get to making The Best Guacamole You’ve Ever Tasted

How to Care for Million Bells

How to Care for Million Bells

Million bells (Calibrachoa) are so amazing because they form excellent colorful ornaments for gardens, wonderful bedding plants and gorgeous hanging baskets. And because their long stems spill and cascade so beautifully over their containers, they make great additions in any pot, mixed container, or window box.

3 Ways to Protect Your Plants from Frost

3 Ways to Protect Your Plants from Frost

The beautiful season of spring is finally here for us in central North Carolina, but unfortunately, we do have an occasional frost that could cause devastation to our vegetable plants and delicate flowers. But don’t worry, Garden Valley has got you covered with 3 ways you can protect your plants from a cold frost:

8 Most Common Gardening Mistakes

8 Most Common Gardening Mistakes

Gardening can be such an exciting experience. With Pinterest and our neighbors' beautiful homes as inspiration, we can plan our future spring garden in hopes that we achieve those huge blossoms and healthy vegetables. And all of those dreams are awesome... except when those plants don't actually grow, and we're left feeling disappointed and discouraged. Good thing we, at Garden Valley Market, are here to help you prepare this spring! Here are 8 of the most common gardening mistakes we hear about, and how you can avoid them.